The mission of the Algoma Public Library is to provide quality materials and services which fulfill educational, informational, cultural, and recreational needs of the entire community in an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful, and businesslike.
The general library goals of the Algoma Public Library shall be:
To serve all residents of the community and the surrounding region.
To acquire and make available to all residents of the above area such books, periodicals, pamphlets, and other services as will address their needs to a) become well informed, b) locate answers to important questions, c) cultivate the imagination and creative expression, d) develop skills for career and vocational advancement, and e) enjoy leisure by means of reading and other media services
To acquire the means to provide the most frequently requested material locally and upon demand.
To maintain a program of service, which locates information, guides reading, organizes and interprets material for people of various backgrounds, and stimulates thinking and intellectual development in individuals of any age.
To strive consistently to discover new methods and improvements for better service for library customers.
Cooperate with other community agencies and organizations.
To review regularly these goals of the Algoma Public Library and, if necessary, revise them in the light of new developments.
Patron Rights and Responsibilities
Who May Use the Library
The library will serve all residents of the community and the public library system area. Service will not be denied or abridged because of religious, racial, social, economic, or political status; or because of mental, emotional, or physical condition; age; gender; or sexual orientation.
A Driver’s License or State ID and verification of current Wisconsin address is required to obtain a free library card. Patrons under the age of 16 need a parent’s/guardian’s signature.
The library is open for service forty-nine (49) hours a week, including evening hours. At such time that the demand requires, this schedule may be increased. The present schedule is: • Monday, 10:00 - 7:00 • Tuesday, 10:00 - 7:00 • Wednesday, 10:00 - 7:00 • Thursday, 10:00 - 7:00 • Friday, 10:00 - 6:00 • Saturday, 10:00 - 3:00
The library is closed: Saturday of Shanty Days, New Year’s Eve Day, New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day.
Inclement Weather: Library services will continue to be provided, even under inclement weather conditions to the maximum extent possible. Closings will be determined by the Director or his/her designated employee.
Other Closings: Any other closings will be determined by the Director with the approval of the Library Board.
Rules of Conduct in the Library
The Algoma Public Library wishes to provide a safe, welcoming atmosphere conducive to the library’s mission.
Wisconsin Statutes Chapter 43.52 (2) states: Every public library shall be free for the use of the inhabitants of the municipality by which it is established and maintained, subject to such reasonable regulations as the library board prescribes in order to render its use most beneficial to the greatest number. The library board may exclude from the use of the public library all persons who willfully violate such regulations.
Patrons of the Algoma Public Library have the right to use library materials and services without being unduly disturbed or impeded by other library users, and patrons and staff have the right to a secure and congenial environment. If a patron creates a public nuisance, that patron may be restricted from the library and from the use of the library facilities. Those who are unwilling to leave or do not leave within a reasonable amount of time, after being instructed to do so by the staff, will be subject to the law.
Any behavior that disrupts or hinders public use of the library is prohibited on library property. This includes, but is not limited to, loud or boisterous behavior, verbal or physical harassment, drunkenness, running, and fighting.
Food and beverages are not allowed at the computer terminals.
Bicycles are not permitted in any library public area or entryway. Bicycles must be parked in a bike rack when available. Wagons and strollers may not be left obstructing a corridor, hallway, aisle, entry, or exit.
Selling non-library related products or services, or soliciting donations is not permitted in the library.
Taking surveys, circulating petitions, distributing leaflets, and other similar activities are permitted in the library only when authorized by the Library Director.
Service animals are permitted in the library. All other animals are not permitted except as part of a library-sponsored program. Animals may not be left unattended on library property.
The violation of federal or state laws or local ordinances will not be permitted on library property. Theft, vandalism, and mutilation of library property are criminal offenses and may be prosecuted.
Sleeping on library premises is not permitted.
Modifications to library property and space, including moving furniture and equipment, and changing illumination may not be done without the consent of library staff.
Damage or alteration of library property, including library materials and technology is not permitted.
Personal items left unattended on the library premises may be removed if they appear to be abandoned.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in the loss of library use privileges on a temporary or permanent basis.
Child Safety Policy
We want the public library to be a welcoming, safe place for your children. Our staff has many duties to perform in order to serve all patrons in the best way possible. For this reason, the staff cannot monitor the whereabouts or behavior of our smallest patrons – your children. Staff cannot assume responsibility of your children’s care when they are in the library. No public place, including the library, can guarantee the safety of children. A child could be approached by a stranger, become ill, wander outside, or become lost or injured. We are primarily concerned with your children’s safety and we believe that our policy helps assure their well being.
We expect parents/caregivers to be responsible for their children’s behavior at the library. A Caregiver must be at least 12 years of age.
We expect parents to understand and explain the library rules to their children. The rules and policies have been developed to safeguard the collection and ensure fairness for all library users.
We expect parents to see that overdue fines are promptly paid. Parents are financially responsible for any damages to library materials, equipment or property incurred by their children.
We expect parents to keep sick children at home and not bring them to the library, especially during children’s programming when illness may easily be spread to other children.
We care about the safety of your child. If a child under the age of 9 is found unattended while the library is open, library staff will attempt to locate the parent/caregiver in the library. If the parent/caregiver cannot be found, law enforcement officials will be called, and the child will be placed in their care.
Child Safety Policy and Procedures for Library Staff
Staff members have many duties and can neither supervise children nor act as a substitute for daycare. Children through age 8 must have a parent or caregiver in the immediate vicinity unless they are participating in a library program. Parents or caregivers who do not attend the program with the child should remain in the building. Parents are still responsible for the actions of their children. Children 9-12 may use the library unattended for an amount of time appropriate to their age and maturity. It is important for staff to take note of disruptions caused by children who apparently are unaccompanied. Children using inappropriate behavior will be informed of the rules. If inappropriate behavior continues, the child and parent/caregiver shall be asked to leave the Library. If a child in this age group is unaccompanied by an adult or appropriate-aged caregiver, the staff will follow the directions below for children found on Library premises without a parent or caregiver. All children should have the telephone number of someone who can assist them in an emergency. The Library staff in no way assumes responsibility for the care of any age child. If a child is found without a parent or caregiver, the staff will:
Attempt to comfort the child, if necessary.
Locate the parent or caregiver in the Library and explain the Child Safety Policy.
Make every effort to contact the parent or caregiver who is not in the Library to come and pick up the child. Staff will express the Library’s concern for the child’s safety and explain the Child Safety Policy.
Call law enforcement officials to pick up the child, if the parent or caregiver cannot be located within 30 minutes. Staff will notify the director that law enforcement officials have been called.
Encourage an unattended child to contact the parent or guardian if it is within 15 minutes of closing time. If a parent or caregiver cannot be reached or does not arrive within 15 minutes of closing, Library staff will call law enforcement to pick up child. Staff will notify director that police have been called.
Remain with the child until the parent or caregiver or police arrive. This is compensated time for the staff member(s) who remain with the child.
Leave a note on the library door stating “Unattended child is in the custody of the police” once the child is in the care of the police. Names will not be stated on the sign.
Not transport any child from the library to another location.
Algoma Public Library Internet Policy
In response to advances in technology and the changing needs of the community, the Algoma Public Library endeavors to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, recreational, and educational needs of Algoma’s diverse community. The Algoma Public Library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and is not responsible for its content. As with other library materials, a restriction of a child’s access to the Internet is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian. Users cannot expect library staff to download for them nor to know the specifics of how particular e-mail accounts work. The Algoma Public Library uses PC management software on the library’s public access computers. Sessions are 1 hour in length for adult designated computers and ½ hour in length for children’s designated computers and can be renewed if there is not a waiting list. Customers can sign up to use a computer at the main desk if all computers are busy. Computers are assigned on a first come first served basis. Guest passes for those 16 years of age and older, are available for visitors to the community who do not have an OWLSnet card. Removable devices may be used with a public access computer. Staff reserves the right to limit the amount of bandwidth in use by internet users.
Algoma Public Library Internet Acceptable Use Guidelines
Librarians are available to help users get started. Users are then responsible for learning to use the resources available on the Internet. The Algoma Public Library:
Does not filter content or control information accessed through the Internet.
Holds parents/guardians responsible for use of the Internet by minor children.
Charges a fee per printed page. Customers are encouraged to use Print Preview to check the number of copies to be printed.
Prohibits the use of its computers and network for illegal purposes.
Prohibits the misuse of copyrighted materials as per state and federal law.
Prohibits misrepresentation of oneself for any purpose.
Does not guarantee the security of its computers or networks.
Algoma Public Library assumes no responsibility for content of material found on the Internet. It is the responsibility of the user (or parent, guardian or caregiver) to determine what content of material and information is appropriate. Library staff cannot monitor Internet use. It’s recommended that parents, guardians, and care givers discuss the use of Internet resources with minors. After reading the guidelines, using the Internet constitutes acceptance of Algoma Public Library’s Internet Policy. Misuse or abuse of computers or Internet access will result in suspension of Internet access privileges. While the library staff does not monitor usage of the computers, we do ask that Internet users do not visit sites that might be objectionable to other users of the library. Child pornography and misrepresentation of one's self are illegal and individuals found to be using the library Internet for such activities will be reported to the proper authorities.
Use of Wi-Fi (Wireless Access to the Internet)
As part of the library’s commitment to providing new technologies to meet the informational, recreational and educational needs of Algoma’s diverse community, the Algoma Public Library offers wireless internet access for those with wireless capable devices.
The Algoma Public Library cannot guarantee that a user’s hardware will work with the library’s wireless connection and is not responsible for any changes made on a user’s device setting.
Users of the wireless network may plug their electronic devices into electrical outlets provided the power cords do not extend into aisles or walkways. Furniture in the library may not be moved to create more convenient access to an outlet. Users should be certain that their laptops and other devices are always secure and should never be left unattended in the library, even for brief periods of time. Theft of such devices is not the responsibility of the library.
Users must abide by the library’s Internet Policy and Acceptable Use Guidelines.
Access is unfiltered and users are cautioned that the network is not a secured environment. Users should be advised that they use the library’s wireless network at their own risk. The wireless network is not secure, as it is not encrypted. Unless additional precautions are taken, any information sent to or from a device could potentially be intercepted by a third party who might be within range and using the appropriate hardware/software.
Mobile printing service is available via OWLSnet Mobile Printing service ePRINTit.
Staff reserves the right to limit the amount of bandwidth in use by any user of the wireless network.
The library accepts no responsibility for damage caused to a person’s laptop or other device. The library accepts no liability for injuries or damage caused by cords plugged into the library’s outlets.
Staff is not available to help anyone configure their laptop/notebook or other electronic device to be able to access the wireless network or provide technical assistance.
Collection Development
The purpose of the Algoma Public Library is to provide all individuals in the community with carefully selected books and other materials to aid the individual in the pursuit of education, information, research, pleasure, and the creative use of leisure time. Because of the volume of publishing, as well as the limitations of budget and space, the library must have a selection policy with which to meet community interests and needs. The Collection Development Policy is used by the library director and staff in the selection of materials and serves to acquaint the general public with the principles of selection. The Library Bill of Rights and The Freedom to Read Statement have been endorsed by the Algoma Public Library Board of Trustees and are integral parts of the policy.
Responsibility for Selection
The ultimate responsibility for selection of library materials rests with the library director who operates within the framework of the policies determined by the Algoma Public Library Board of Trustees. The responsibility may be shared with other members of the library staff; however, because the director must be available to answer to the library board and the general public for actual selections made, the director has the authority to reject or select any item contrary to the recommendations of the staff.
Criteria for Collection
The library director and staff use their training, knowledge, and expertise along with the following general criteria to select materials for the collection:
Individual merit of each item
Popular appeal/demand
Relevance of content to the intended audience
Existing library holdings
Budget and space limitations
Interlibrary Loan
Because of limited budget and space, the library cannot provide all materials that are requested. Therefore, interlibrary loan is used to obtain from other libraries those materials that are beyond the scope of this library’s collection.
Gifts and Donations
The library accepts gifts of books and other materials with the understanding that they will be added to the collection only if appropriate or needed. If they are not needed because of duplication, condition, or dated information the director can dispose of them as they see fit. Monetary gifts will be accepted and used for materials and/or special projects. Every effort will be made to honor any request of the benefactor. By law, the library is not allowed to appraise the value of donated materials, though it can provide an acknowledgment of receipt of the items if requested by the donor.
An up-to-date, attractive and useful collection is maintained through a continual withdrawal and replacement process. The weeding of materials requires the same degree of attention as the initial selection, and deserves careful study, but the systematic removal from the collection of materials no longer useful is essential to maintain the purpose and quality of the collection.
Request for Reconsideration
The Algoma Public Library assures free access to both physical and virtual programs and materials that reflect diverse community interests and multiple points of view. Library users are free to select or reject materials and programs for themselves. Responsibility for the material read by children rests with their parents or legal guardians. Selection of library materials will not be inhibited by the possibility that materials may come into the possession of children.
Library users may express concerns about library programs and materials in the library collection to staff. Library staff will attempt to resolve concerns as they occur. If necessary, staff will proceed with a formal request for reconsideration process by giving the concerned individual a Request for Consideration Form. Completed forms are submitted to the Library Director for review. The director will investigate reconsideration requests from individuals who are both Algoma Public Library cardholders and Kewaunee County residents.
The Library Director reviews requests for consideration, then contacts the individual with a resolution. If the situation remains unresolved, it may be appealed to the Library Board. Library Board decisions are final.
The Algoma Public Library does not withdraw or restrict access to materials or cancel programs without following the request for reconsideration process.
Local History Collection
The purpose of the local history collection is to preserve materials that document the history of Algoma and Kewaunee County and to make these materials available to researchers and the general public. The library holds these materials in trust for future generations, and therefore they can be examined in the library only. The major emphasis of the collection is historical and current information about the city of Algoma and the surrounding area of Kewaunee County. Subject areas include: early settlers, ethnic groups, family, business, work and prominent individuals and events. Materials on these subjects will not be declined based on language. The collection contains materials in a variety of formats including, but not limited to: books, pamphlets, posters, diaries, letters, maps, photographs, scrapbooks and audio visual and electronic materials. The collection does not contain materials in the following format: three dimensional artifacts, original government records, posters larger than 36” by 48”.
Discarding Materials
The Algoma Public Library reserves the right to dispose of materials inappropriate to the collection.
Circulation Policy
Patrons registered at an OWLSnet library are eligible to borrow materials and any resident or owner of property in Wisconsin is eligible for a library card. The library participates in the OWLSnet shared automation network and works cooperatively with other OWLSnet libraries to maintain borrowers' records and lend materials. A Driver's License or State ID and verification of current Wisconsin address is required to obtain a free library card. Patrons under the age of 16 need a parent's/guardian's signature.
Applicants 15 years of age and younger must have a parent or guardian present when registering for a library card. The parent or guardian must produce documentation sufficient to establish their identity and place of residence. A child 16 or older may apply for a library card without a parent or guardian present.
Parents or guardians are responsible for their minor children's use of library material, including any payment of any bills or charges incurred by their children.
All library cards expire after 1 year.
Loan Periods
The library director shall follow OWLsnet policies and set loan periods and limits on the number of materials which can be borrowed and borrowing periods for various collections appropriate for the proper use of materials.
Loan periods and limits on checkout are:
Short Loan Video Recordings, Launchpads, Hotspots, Library of Things = 7 Days
Short Loan Books & Audiobooks, Music CDs, Magazines, Video Games, Binge Boxes, Video Recordings, Videogames = 14 Days
Books, Audiobooks = 28 Days
Interlibrary Loans are due the date indicated by the lending library
Holds may be placed by patrons in person, over the phone, or online. Patrons will be notified when the materials are available. There is no charge to the patron for placing a reserve or for interlibrary loan services.
Items not returned by the due date will incur a daily fine until the item is returned. (Adult, Children and Teen print materials are fine free). The library may charge a fine, fee, or recover costs for the following situations:
Overdue items
Lost library card replacement
Damaged items
Replacement of items not returned
In compliance with OWLSnet policy, fines assessed for items that are not returned in proper condition will not exceed the full cost of the item. If applicable, postage fees will be assessed in addition to overdue fines. Any leniency in this procedure will be left to the discretion of the librarian. Borrowing privileges will be revoked if obligation is not met.
In accord with OWLSnet policy, customers with a fine over $5 or an outstanding bill will not be able to check out materials until fine or bill is resolved. In the event materials are not returned within the allotted period of time, the following procedure will be followed:
Overdue notices will be sent via e-mail or text message to customers who provide their e-mail addresses to the library and keep them current or sign up for text message notification. Customers who receive e-mail or text notification will receive a courtesy notice one day before items are due. Customers may request e-mail notification by entering an e-mail address on the library card application form. E-mail notification may be requested at any time. Customers may sign up for text message notification by subscribing to Shoutbomb through InfoSoup homepage. The library does not charge a fee for this service; however, the customer's cell phone plan's regular text messaging rates apply. First overdue notice will be e-mailed or sent by text message 3 days after due date.
Second overdue notices will be sent via mail and e-mail to customers who provide their e-mail addresses to the library and keep them current or subscribe to text message notification.
A bill is generated by OWLSnet staff when material is 4 weeks overdue. Customers who have failed to return or make restitution for materials will be mailed a bill by regular mail with a "certificate of mailing" retained by the library until the matter is resolved. Customers will be charged for postage fees. Bill will state that failure to return material or failure to make restitution for materials not returned is punishable under State Statute 943.61 (5). Customer has thirty (30) days to respond.
Names of customers not responding to bill will be turned over to the Algoma Police Department.
Borrowing privileges of such customers will be revoked until matter is resolved.
Theft of library materials is covered under Wisconsin Statutes 943.61.
Fines, fees, bills and manual charges may be paid online through a patron's account in InfoSoup by use of a credit card only. No partial payment of any one individual fine is allowed, however, patrons may choose to pay only certain fines or fees in their entirety.
Programming Policy
The purpose of this policy is to provide a range of programs to meet the needs of people of all ages in the community for informational, educational and recreational opportunities and for personal growth in development. Programming is an integral part of the many services provided for the community by the Algoma Public Library. Programs raise the library's profile in the community and have a positive impact on library use. Programs complement other library services by providing an opportunity to highlight collections, promote services and share knowledge and expertise.
Programs allow the library to forge partnerships with a wide variety of groups and individuals and attract both regular and new users of all ages and backgrounds.
Selection of library program topics, speakers, courses, classes, and resource materials will be made by library staff on the basis of the interests and needs of library users and the community. Programs will be provided based on the following guidelines:
Programs will be offered free of charge, except for those that serve as library fundraisers.
Programs may be targeted to a general audience or be tailored to an age-specific audience.
Library programming should not exclude topics, books, speakers, media and other resources because they might be controversial.
The library does not conduct programming that is commercial, political or religious in nature.
The library does not advocate or endorse the content and viewpoints of presenters and programs.
Programs will be provided for all persons regardless of age, race, religion, familial belief, gender or political affiliation.
Programs may not solicit for businesses and services. The sale of products at a library program is not` allowed, with the exception of writers, performers and artists who may obtain library approval to sell their own works. Activities of the Algoma Public Library, Friends of the Algoma Public Library, and the City of Algoma are exceptions.
Programs may be cancelled for a variety of reasons, including severe weather, cancellation by the presenter, public health emergency or low registration. Cancelled programs are not automatically rescheduled.
Public Relations Policy
Social Media
The Algoma Public Library maintains a Social Media presence to engage with the community, promote library services and events, and share information. The library’s Social Media is public record. All submitted content to the library’s Social Media is subject to Wisconsin Public Records Law and the library’s Public Records Retention Policy and may be subject to public disclosure. While posting to library-sponsored Social Media accounts, patrons may not:
Post Obscene or racist content
Post personal attacks, insults, or threatening language
Post potentially libelous statements
Post plagiarized material
Post private, personal information published without consent
Post comments typically unrelated to the content of the forum
Post hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion
Post commercial promotions or spam
The library reserves the right to hide from view any prohibited commentary and ban people who are spamming or continue ignore the Social Media Policy. Users are cautioned not to put personal identification information on any forum site. By posting content, the user agrees to indemnify the Algoma Public Library and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages, and costs (including attorneys’ fees) incurred by any of them which arise out of or are related to the posted content. Forums and messaging may not be used for commercial purposes or for organized political activity. The Algoma Public Library reserves the right to monitor content on all of the library’s social networking web sites and accounts, and to modify or remove any messages or postings that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of the copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate for the service. The Algoma Public Library also reserves the right to edit or modify any submissions in response to requests for feedback or other commentary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Algoma Public Library is not obligated to take any such actions, and will not be responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber in any forum, message board, or to the area within the service. Submission of a comment constitutes acceptance of this policy.
The following will appear on the library's Facebook page: The Algoma Public Library is not responsible for any content from third parties on its wall or Facebook pages. All inappropriate material will be removed.
Reference Policy
The Algoma Public Library provides free service to all individuals and groups in the community. Service to library customers is a priority and takes precedence over other tasks. Library staff will assist customers in locating the information they seek.
In-Person Reference: Library staff, after conducting the reference interview to ascertain the information needed, will take the individual to the source(s) of information. Instruction may be needed by the individual in the use of the automated catalogue, Internet and basic reference sources. If the customer has a question which will require a lengthy amount of time and other customers are waiting, the staff person may excuse themselves and offer to return as quickly as possible.
Telephone Reference: Telephone reference questions need to be answered quickly with short, factual answers. If more in-depth research is needed the staff person will take the name and telephone number of the individual and call them back with the answer. It may be necessary to ask the customer to come in to the library for better assistance if the question is complicated.
E-Mail Reference: Every effort will be made to respond to E-Mail references in a reasonable time. E-mail responses may be of limited length.
Homework Help: Help with school assignments is to be treated as any other request for reference information. Staff will guide the student to the reference source(s) and instruct them in the use of the resources.
Contest Questions: Trivia or contest questions should be answered as any other reference question. Library staff are not to interpret contest rules.
Consumer Evaluations: When customers ask consumer-based questions, the staff will guide them to consumer information. Short published consumer ratings may be read over the telephone; however in-depth information may require a trip to the library.
Genealogy Questions: Staff members will provide assistance in locating genealogy information. Staff members may answer written requests for information. A charge for copies and mail will be assessed.
Medical, Legal and Tax Questions: The staff will assist customers in locating resources. The library staff does not provide medical, legal or tax advice. Library staff will not interpret any definitions, laws or medical conditions.
Summary: The library staff must always cite the informational source used. All questions are held in strictest confidence.
Privacy and Library Use
The Algoma Public Library protects the privacy of library records and the confidentiality of library users of the library's services and materials as required by relevant laws. In addition, the Algoma Public Library Board of Trustees supports the principle of freedom of inquiry for library users, and has adopted this policy to protect against the unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of library users.
Legal Requirements
The relevant Wisconsin laws concerning the confidentiality of library records are Wisconsin Statutes Section 43.30 and the Wisconsin Personal Information Practices Act (Sections 19.62 to 19.80). Under Section 43.40, library records that indicate the identity of any individual who borrows or uses a library's documents or other materials, resources or services may only be disclosed:
With the consent of the individual library user
By court order
To the custodial parent or guardian of a child who is under the age of 16, who requests such library records ("custodial parent" includes any parent other than a parent who has been denied periods of physical placement with a child under s.767.24 (4))
To persons acting within the scope of their duties in the administration of the library or library system
To other libraries (under certain circumstances) for interlibrary loan purposes (ss.43.30 (2) and (3)).
Wisconsin's Personal Information Practices Act (Sections 19.62 to 19.80) requires all state and local government organizations (including public libraries and library systems) to develop procedures to protect the privacy of personal information kept by the organization. Libraries and library systems are required to develop rules of conduct for employees involved in collecting, maintaining, using and providing access to personally identifiable information. Libraries and library systems are also required to ensure that employees handling such records "know their duties and responsibilities relating to protecting personal privacy, including applicable state and federal laws." Records indicating the identity of library users include a library users name, library card number, telephone number, birthdate and address. Records held by the library that include personally identifiable information about library users may also contain information that must be provided to those who request that information, as required by Wisconsin's public records law. Personally identifiable information about library users must be removed from any records that are publicly disclosed, except as the records are disclosed pursuant to one of the five exceptions provided under Section 43.30 (see above).
Rules to be followed by Algoma Public Library Staff
As required by state law, Algoma Public Library staff may only disclose library records indicating the identity of library users under the following conditions: a. Disclosure to staff members of the Algoma Public Library and the staff of other libraries and library systems only according to written procedures that comply with the laws cited above and that are approved by the Director. b. Disclosure as authorized by the individual library user c. Disclosure pursuant to court order d. Disclosure to the custodial parent or guardian of a child who is under the age of 16, who requests such library records.
Algoma Public Library staff must refer all requests for library records and all requests for information about particular library users to the library director or the Algoma city attorney if the director is not available.
Algoma Public Library staff are not allowed to share information about use of library resources and services by identified library users except as necessary for the performance of their job duties and in accordance with procedures approved by the director and/or the Board of Trustees.
Handling of court orders
If a law enforcement officer (or anyone else) brings a subpoena directing library staff to produce library records:
Staff will notify the director or the Algoma city attorney if the director is not available.
The library director or reporting staff person should ask the Algoma city attorney to review the subpoena.
If the subpoena has any legal defects, require that the defects be corrected before records are released.
If appropriate, ask legal counsel to draft a protective order to be submitted to the court keeping the requested information confidential and limiting its use to the particular case.
Follow legal counsel's advice for compliance with the subpoena.
If law enforcement officers bring a court order in the form of a search warrant:
A search warrant is executable immediately, unlike a subpoena. The law enforcement officers may begin a search of library records as soon as they enter the library.
Request that the law enforcement officers wait until the library’s legal counsel is present before the search begins in order to allow legal counsel an opportunity to examine the search warrant and to assure that the search conforms to the terms of the search warrant. (The law enforcement officials are not required to accede to any request to delay the search.)
Cooperate with the search to ensure that only the records identified in the warrant are produced and that no other users' records are disclosed.
If FBI agents bring a court order in the form of a search warrant issued under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA):
A search warrant is executable immediately, unlike a subpoena. The law enforcement officers may begin a search of library records as soon as they enter the library.
Request that the law enforcement officers wait until the library's legal counsel is present before the search begins in order to allow legal counsel an opportunity to examine the search warrant and to assure that the search conforms to the terms of the search warrant. (The law enforcement officials are not required to accede to this request.
Cooperate with the search to ensure that only the records identified in the warrant are produced and that no other users' records are disclosed.
It is illegal to disclose to any other person (other than those persons necessary to produce the tangible things sought in the warrant) that the Federal Bureau of Investigation has sought or obtained records or other items under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
A search warrant is an order signed by a judge directing a law enforcement officer to conduct a search of a designated person, a designated object or a designated place for the purpose of seizing designated property or kinds of property.
All search warrants are court orders, but not all subpoenas are court orders. Library staff may not disclose library records in response to a subpoena that is not a court order if those records indicate the identity of library users.
A subpoena is a call to come before a court, and may include a direction to bring specified records. Not all subpoenas are court orders. The library's legal counsel can determine if a particular subpoena is a court order. A subpoena normally indicates that a response is required within a certain number of days. Library staff may not disclose library records in response to a subpoena that is not a court order if those records indicate the identity of library users.
The USA Patriot Act amended the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) to allow the FBI to apply for a court order requiring the "production of any tangible things (including books, records, papers, documents and other items) for an investigation to protect against international terrorism or clandestine intelligence activities, provided that such investigation of a United States person is not conducted solely upon the basis of activities protected by the first amendment."
Parental Access to Patron Records of Minors
Custodial parents/guardians may request library records relating to the use of the library by children under the age of 16. A "custodial parent" includes any parent other than a parent who has been denied periods of physical placement with a child (s.767.24 (4).The person requesting records of their custodial child may be asked to provide reasonable proof that they are a custodial parent/guardian.
Public Records
NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF PUBLIC RECORDS PER WISCONSIN STATUTES: The Director of the Algoma Public Library is the legal custodian of all records of the Algoma Public Library. All public records requests must be in writing and specific. In the event the Director is not available, the Library Board President and the City Attorney must be consulted. Records will be made available as soon as practicable. Copies will be made at the set cost. Prepayment will be required by the custodian. If mailing is required, customer will be charged the postage.
If searching for the document takes over 30 minutes of staff time, after 30 minutes the cost of $25 per hour of staff search time will be charged to the requestor.
New documents do not have to be created or additional analysis does not have to be done for an information request. Public records request are for current documents. If a document does not exist, it is not a public record.
As provided by section 43.30 Wisconsin Statutes, an exception to the public records law for libraries is the statutory prohibition on release of records that identify an individual who uses a publicly funded library. Any record that contains patron information in addition to information which must be disclosed must first be edited to remove any information which could identify an individual library patron. Public library circulation and customer registration records are exempt from inspection under this section.
Physical Facilities
To achieve the goal of good library service, the Board of Trustees accepts the responsibility to see that public library facilities are provided which will adequately meet the physical requirements of modern efficient library service. Such facilities will offer to the community a compelling invitation to enter, read, look, listen, and learn. The building will fit an expanding program of library service.
The Board of Trustees accepts the responsibility to secure the funds for needed facilities.
The Director and the Board of Trustees, as a planning team, with the assistance of consultants will endeavor to plan facilities to meet recognized standards and needs of the community.
Disaster Rules/Safety Policy
Inclement Weather: Staff should be alert to weather warnings and follow emergency procedures when necessary.
Snow Storms: The decision to close the Algoma Public Library will be made be made by the Library Director or the Director's designated representative. The Library Director will take into consideration the recommendation of the Algoma School District, but the final decision will be made by the Library Director.
The Director will notify the Library staff, local news outlets, and the City of Algoma. Library closings will be announced on area television stations and the library's social media.
If there is a question of closing the library when the Director is not working, the staff in charge will contact the Director. If the Director is unable to be reached, the staff in charge will make the decision and notify all necessary outlets.
Tornadoes: The safety of library customers and library staff is of primary importance. Reasonable effort will be made to allow appropriate evacuation in the event of a tornado.
When library staff are alerted that a tornado WATCH has been issued, library customers will be informed of the watch. If a library program is in progress, the librarian directing the program will be informed by a staff member about the watch. At this time, signage will be put in place directing customers to the tornado route if the need arises. The doors between the library and the library’s meeting room, and the door between the library meeting room and City Hall must remain closed but unlocked.
When a tornado WARNING has been issued, Emergency Management will sound the sirens. Library staff will then advise library customers of the situation and will ask them to proceed to the lower level kitchen area of the City Hall building until the clear signal is given. A staff member will notify participants of a library program of the warning and provide the appropriate directions to the tornado route. Customers unable to walk to the lower level of City Hall should be directed to the staff men’s bathroom off the library meeting room. If time allows, library staff should check restrooms and other areas of the library to be certain everyone is evacuated. Customers are not allowed to remain in the library. The public will be directed to the shelter in the Algoma Elementary School, but only after being notified by the Algoma Police Department to do so.
If customers choose to leave the library, staff should give directions to the shelter in the Algoma Elementary School.
Fire: If smoke detectors or fire alarms sound, library staff should call (911) and evacuate the building until the problem can be determined. If a fire can obviously be contained and extinguished quickly and safely by staff, then staff should proceed to do so. If there is any doubt about whether the fire can be controlled, staff should immediately call 911 and clear the building. Library staff should check restrooms and other areas of the library to be certain everyone is evacuated. An incident report should be completed and given to the Director.
Library staff should be familiar with location and application of fire extinguishers and emergency exits in the building. All staff should be trained in the use of a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishers should be checked monthly following guidelines in the City of Algoma Safety & Health Procedures Manual.
False Alarms: Staff should always assume the alarm is legitimate and follow procedures to evacuate the building. If it is determined that a fire alarm was pulled but there was no fire, staff should ask customers and other staff if they saw anyone near the pulled alarm. If the person is identified, report this information to the Algoma Police Department. Complete an incident report and give to the Director.
Health Emergencies: Staff members should exercise caution when administering first aid of even a minor nature because of the safety of the injured individual and the potential liability of the staff member. Without specialized training it is not advisable for staff to undertake more than keeping the sick or injured person comfortable and protected from needless disturbance until medical help can be obtained. Since each case is unique, staff members should use their own judgement to do what is prudent and reasonable.
Staff should call (911) immediately in the event of a serious problem. No medication, including aspirin, should ever be dispensed to the public. Staff should never drive a customer anywhere for medical assistance.
Personal safety measures should be followed by staff when dealing with any biological hazard. This includes even minor injuries. If a Band-Aid needs to be used, staff should give it to the individual and have him/her place it on the injury. Parents may do this for a child. Protective gloves/coverings should be used by staff when dealing with any biological incident.
Missing Child: Responsibility for the care, safety and behavior of children lies with their parents, both within the library building and on library grounds. If a child is reported missing, staff will ask the parent how extensively they have searched and then assist the parent by checking the library thoroughly including restrooms and other non-public areas. The outside of the library should be checked. The police should be called if the child is not located. An incident report should be given to the Director.
Customers in Non-Public Areas: Staff has the responsibility to speak to anyone who enters a non-public area of the building. As a customer may not be aware that he/she is in a non-public area, staff should offer to escort the person to the appropriate office.
For security reasons, whenever City Hall is closed the door between the library and City Hall should be closed and locked. Exceptions to this may be made when library programming makes access to the City Hall area necessary. Suspicious behavior should be documented and reported to the Director. The Police Department should be called if necessary.
Customers at Closing Time: Library customers who may be stranded when the library closes may use the phone to make arrangement for transportation. Customers may not wait inside the library to wait for transport unless accompanied by two library staff members. Library personnel are not obliged to let customers remain inside after closing. Library staff cannot personally transport customers to any location.
The Police Department will be notified if a child or children are left unattended at closing time.
Phone Threats: In the event of a phone threat, bomb or otherwise, staff should keep the caller on the line as long as possible, ask the caller to repeat the message and try to write down every word spoken by the person. If the caller does not indicate the location of the bomb or specifics about time of possible detonation or attack, staff should ASK FOR THIS INFORMATION. Staff should pay particular attention to peculiar background noises such as motors running, background music, and any other sounds which may indicate where the location from which the call is originating. Staff should listen closely to the voice (male, female), voice quality (calm, excited), accents and speech impediments.
Immediately after the caller hangs up, staff should call the police and clear the building. The police will handle the actual search. An incident report should be given to the Director.
Emergency Operations Plan: In the event of a major emergency, the Emergency Government facility may be activated. Library staff will be subject to decisions made by officials of the City of Algoma as per the City’s Emergency Operations Plan.
The library welcomes displays from local artisans, craftsmen and collectors. The stipulations on these displays are:
Items on display cannot be sold in the library nor will the library staff promote the sale of display items.
The library assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged items as there is no library or city insurance coverage for materials on display or for personal property/possessions used in any program or activity.
Bulletin Board
The Algoma Public Library provides the community temporary space for a bulletin board to further the library's mission of bringing people and information together.
The Algoma Public Library makes its bulletin board area available to the public, but neither approves nor disapproves of any viewpoint expressed by the users of the bulletin board. The Library does not endorse any goods or services, makes no representation as to the accuracy of information, and assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services which may be the subject of postings.
The Algoma Public Library reserves the right to refuse to post, and the right to remove and dispose of announcements, posters or displays which do not meet the Library's mission.
All postings shall be temporary. All postings shall be dated. The Algoma Public Library reserves the right to establish reasonable time limits of no less that one day and no more than thirty days if space is limited. All requests for postings must be directed to the main desk.
Donations and Gifts
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for accepting donations and gifts made on behalf of the Algoma Public Library. This policy applies to monetary and material donations and gifts.
Monetary Donations and Gifts
The Algoma Public Library appreciates the ongoing support of the communities it serves and welcomes monetary donations and gifts for the following recipient categories.
Donations and gifts may be made to the Algoma Public Library as memorials, general donations, or for a special program or event.
Donations and gifts may be made to the Algoma Library Friends and received at the Algoma Public Library. Distribution of resulting funds to benefit the Algoma Public Library is determined by the Friends Board and the Library Director.
Material Donations and Gifts
Donated materials and gifts may be added to the library collection under the same materials management criteria used for purchased items. The library director, or a staff representative, reserves the right to classify, arrange, and make accessible the material in whatever fashion is most in keeping with the library’s needs. Donated materials, once added to the collection, will be subject to the library’s Collection Development Policy. Donated materials may be offered to The Algoma Library Friends for the purpose of selling the items to benefit the library. Funds from sales are intended to supplement library materials and programs, not to replace the budgeting process. Any items unsold by the Algoma Library Friends may then be donated to another organization or discarded. The Friends, in conjunction with the Library Director, determine what is considered acceptable for their needs.
The Library Board reserves the right to accept or refuse all donations and gifts. Once an item is accepted by the library, the item becomes the sole property of the library and may be handled in any way the library deems appropriate. The library reserves the right to dispose of any gift without notification to the donor.
Donations and gifts will be appropriately acknowledged in a timely manner. Donation receipts are available upon request; however, the library does not provide an appraisal or suggest value for donated materials.
Volunteer Policy
Volunteers are a valuable resource and bring enthusiasm, energy and added talents to the library. Volunteers can also be powerful advocates for the library in the community. The Algoma Public Library Board recognizes the service volunteers provide and appreciates the dedication of those individuals who volunteer their time and efforts to enhance library service
Definition of a Volunteer
A volunteer is anyone who, without compensation or expectation of compensation, performs a task at the direction of and on behalf of the library.
Volunteers enhance, and do not replace, adequate staffing and will be used to supplement and support the activities of regular library staff. Volunteers shall not be considered as “employees” of the library nor be given special consideration for future employment opportunities in the library.
Neither the City of Algoma nor the Algoma Public Library will provide benefits of any kind including, medical/health, retirement, insurance, accident or worker’s compensation benefits for any volunteer.
Guidelines for Volunteers
Volunteers will serve under the direction of library staff. Hours and jobs for volunteer service will be determined by staff members in discussion with the volunteer and will reflect opportunities that best fit the volunteer, the availability of jobs, and adequate supervisory staff. Volunteer positions may not be available to everyone who wishes to volunteer. The library cannot guarantee a position for everyone and reserves the right to limit the number of volunteers at any given time. Both the volunteer and the library have the right to terminate the volunteers’ association with the library at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.
Examples of volunteer opportunities include: keeping materials in order on shelves; processing materials – label new materials, etc; repairing damaged materials; computer data entry; assisting with programs or projects; shelving of materials; filing; cleaning books/media.
Non-directional questions are considered reference questions and should be referred to library staff.
Volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to all individuals in the library, regardless of background or circumstances.
Volunteers as well as staff members are required to treat all information, regardless of format - computer or paper documents, word of mouth, or any other record - as strictly confidential as required by State Statute 43.30. This includes conversations overheard between or regarding library customers and/or staff. Such information is not to be shared with anyone else, including family, friends, or acquaintances. Failure to comply with confidentiality law will result in dismissal of the volunteer.
Volunteer Application Form
Individuals seeking to become volunteers must complete a Volunteer Application Form and consent to a background check.